Hulya’s Iced Skis
When sliding back downhill I supported one on either side holding onto a ski pole across the front of my body. Julia was hampered by ice sticking to the base of her skis but it took me some time to realise this was happening to her – and until then I thought that she was very tense and “resisting” the accelerations – but it was her skis dong the resisting.
Kutay’s Frustration
The conditions were very bad with heavy snowfall which was a bit overwhelming for Kutay and made it difficult for him to move easily. Kutay became easily frustrated – but he enjoyed the speed when straight running. He just didn’t enjoy the jumping exercises I gave him because it was a little bit hard to do – jumping up with two feet and swinging both skis slightly to one side.
(All the photos shown here were taken the following day because the blizzard made photography impractical.)
We had started an hour late because a fatal accident on the road concerning a Tignes lift operator had delayed all the traffic getting to the ski stations in the morning. After lunch it was Ilay and Bugra who came with me and after one run on the beginner’s slope we bought lift passes so that we could use the Pacqui lift to return to Val Claret (from Le Lac) instead of using the bus.
Ilay’s Impressive Self Control
I told Ilay that she needed to stop dropping her ski poles when falling and that all she had to do to keep them in her hands was to chose to do so – likewise she could choose “not to sit down” when a little bit scared. Once aware of her own psychology she responded very well and took charge of those issues – no more pole dropping and no more sitting down when accelerating.