It was boiling hot today, around 38°C, dry air with not a cloud in the sky and a gale force gusts of hot dry wind. I’m not sure if my legs were fine to start with and the dry wind got to me, or if the legs were having an off day. Perhaps the feeling that I didn’t want to do the workout indicates an off day from the start. 116km is a long way to go in the heat with uncooperative legs. Once again I went through Beaufort and stopped for a hot Beaufort cheese pie (late lunch) and coke with ice. The two images are a the top of the climb – the ridge separating Beaufort from Tarantaise
Lac de Roselend (hydro electric dam)
Typical colour of water carrying sediment from ice melt.
The map shows the winter ski area – you can just see the “..ort” of Beaufort on the lower left hand edge – and Lac de Roselend above it. Mont Blanc looks close but it’s quite far although the trail circumnavigating Mont Blanc passes just the other side of the Cormet de Roselend (The 2000m col)
Not much to report really – constant thirst with the dry air. Last time I was watching the seconds being shaved off each kilometre in amazement and this time I was watching them adding on in amazement. I was very tired reaching home just before dark (started near 3pm and finished near 9pm) but not completely wrecked as when going a bit faster. There was however no option to go faster. Lots of pins and needles in the left hand and a sore bum – strange how there are days like this. Hadn’t slept much or eaten much – so those things might be factors.