Issy and Layla had a very vague understanding of what to do to make a turn – even when referring to orthodox ski instruction. Watching them skiing on the nursery slope clarified that they were both “balancing” over their outside turning ski and having to deal with the consequences. They had absorbed their previous instruction but couldn’t explain it with any clarity – which is because it really is that confusing as it does not match the senses or intuition at all.
We went though a full introduction to “dynamics” and also some work on skating that relates to dynamics… The main connection with skating is the “falling inward and forward” and extending the support leg to push as you are doing it.
Pivoting was added so that there was the understanding that the ski can start a turn from either of the edges so there is no need to spread the feet apart (in search of an inside edge) before starting a turn.
The girls both progressed extremely well and were skiing with a solid engagement with pressure on the outside ski through the whole turn, good natural rhythms and natural timing. Parallel skiing just happens by itself when dynamics are present.

Issy’s ski boot was at least full size too big – hence using the knees to try to feel grip with the ski edges.
I think both the girls need more attention to equipment setup in future – to protect the knees from potential injury.