Giulia turned out to have spent the previous few days becoming a snowplough racer! She was snowploughing everywhere with more and more determination. It’s true that most people spend years snowploughing to some extent before they manage parallel skiing – but that’s because they aren’t taught dynamics. Giulia had to be sorted out in today’s session but it wasn’t going to be easy.
We tried “pivoting” so that the skis stayed parallel and on the uphill edges only for the first half of the turns – but this wasn’t getting anywhere fast. It turns out Giulia was barely able to sideslip on steeper terrain so we had to drill that instead – as sliding sideways is a fundamental skill (and not possible in a snowplough!). We tried adding angulation and anticipation to prevent rotation but the real answer was close by with just a repetition of some “day 1” explanation of dynamics so that the concept became clear and understood.
The unexpected breakthrough happened when I decided to re-explain “dynamics” in the terms I use for little children – avoiding all physics and replacing it with “magic”.
Quote from text : “There is obviously no pressure against the shoulder when skiing and this is where the magic of Newton’s second law comes in. The force against the shoulder is replaced by acceleration. Force is equivalent to mass being accelerated – that is the 2nd law of motion. I explain this to children by describing it as an invisible magic wall which you can’t see or feel but the harder you push against it the better it supports you. All you need is to believe in the magic. This applies not only at the start of the turn but you must push even harder inwards (and downwards toward the snow) as the turn progresses.” unquote.
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There’s a whole rack of modules covering dynamics, pivoting, sideslipping on the day 1 “Giulia Abby” blog post but I’ll add a few more here relevant to today’s activities…
Body Management (Hip Angulation, Anticipation, Control of Rotation, Linked Short Turns)
Take a look at the two Olympic champion skiers in the photograph below.
Killy’s image from the 1960s has his chest facing downhill whereas Noel’s image from 2022 has his chest facing forward. What Killy is doing destroys your lower back and is probably why he never went on skis again after he stopped racing.

Protecting the Spine
- Hold the front of the pelvis up – aiming for “neutral pelvis”
- During the turn pull the outer hip backwards so that the ski doesn’t pull it in front of your ribs
- Look for a stretch between the ribs and hip joint
- Look for a reflex contraction of the lower abdominals – the postural reflex
- Keep the shoulders/chest following the skis (to some degree)
- Always “counter turn” the pelvis more than the chest/shoulders (It’s only the pelvis that should “face downhill”)
- Pulling the hip backwards also prevents both hip rotation and full upper body rotation
Source of Hip Angulation
The upper body needs to tilt forward over one hip joint – then rotate around it. This is in addition to pulling back the outside hip etc.
The body shape produced alters the location of the centre of mass enabling pressure on the ski fronts and also greater agility both into and out of turns – and pole planting if the skis are swinging laterally.
The hip angulation also provides flexion of the hip joint that gives absorption of shocks. Increased angulation also increases the edge angle of the skis to the snow and may alter the turn radius and grip.
Angulation when upright and pivoting has another function – when ANTICIPATING the next turn it is used to get the Centre of Mass out of the existing turn (by tilting the torso forward at the hip ) and letting the Centre of Mass move over the skis to plant the ski pole downhill for a strong, clear and definite support.

When the entire body inclines into the turn with hip angulation present this below is what it looks like.

Short Swings / Jump Turns / Swing Weight
If a jump is made while solidly planting the ski pole then there is zero resistance on the skis so they can literally pivot in mid air – swinging the ski fronts into a turn. Coordination for this is tricky initially and usually work has to be done even on jumping correctly. Most people retract their heels when jumping but they should fully extend their leg in mid air to raise the centre of mass and then flex on landing to absorb the impact smoothly. The soft landing helps to generate a smooth pivot. It’s only necessary to swing the skis a few degrees in the air and then land on the uphill edges to continue a smooth pivot. The pressure cycle and dynamics of coming down into the turn from landing also help to drive the pivot once it has been initiated. When turns like this are linked with a rebounding effect and fluent rhythm they are called short swings. Most people at the start are unable to keep their body from rotating or pushing out the heels/ski tails so they are often unable to use their ski poles properly and unable to keep a good rhythm or accurate coordination.
Feet Forward Technique
“Feet Forward Technique”… gives security through the start of a turn on steep terrain by tightening the turn radius (applies to skis running forward across the slope and not to “pivoting”)
Pushing the outside (uphill initially) foot forward during the turn. The foot never gets in front of the other foot – it just tightens the turn instead.
The exercise is practised with skis off and standing in ski boots. For this static exercise we use ski pole support with the body faced downhill with the uphill foot pointing across the hill and the downhill foot pointing downhill and the heel jammed into the snow. The uphill boot is pulled over onto its inside edge and pushed forwards in a natural arc.
Here is some video of exactly the same action in ice hockey training. In skiing the direction of travel would be straight downhill instead of straight ahead on the flat ice.