Two young complete beginners with great attitudes and aptitudes!
Freyja has the huge advantage of being a keen skater so once familiar with the equipment we worked on skating with skis. Most of my attention was on Artemis due to being the youngest and not a skater. Artemis is a typical beginner but with a great attitude and sense of fun. She had to hold on to one of my ski poles crossing in front of her body and I just guided the motion of her body so she could feel things. That’s why there’s no video of her actually skiing. This wasn’t the occasion for technical talk! Freyja ended the day learning to use skating step turns to change direction. What I didn’t explain is that this makes the skier diverge the ski tips instead of converging them in a snowplough – but all this “skating” is why Freyja is practically skiing parallel from the very beginning. In the video it looks like she is pushing the outside ski in the turn outwards – but she isn’t – she’s following my instruction to use that leg to push the body inwards – essentially making the whole turn a skate.