Crispy Mo



Crispy and Mo’s skiing is an absolutely classic case of orthodox ski instruction. It simply leaves people in limbo and confused – particularly unable to work anything out for themselves. It’s like they asked for a recipe to make a cheese cake and were given one for tiramisu – again and again and again.

I’m not going to criticise the skiing because the only recourse to real improvement is a complete change of fundamentals. This was extremely well grasped by both Mo and Crispy and the resources links above explain an outline of the pedagogy that was used on the mountain.

  • Our first step was to replace “balance” with “dynamics”. You either use one or the other – they are opposites – so even tentative first attempts bring tangible change. Note: strong leg extension was used from the uphill leg to force the centre of mass into the turn – not upward. The motorcycle analogy helped visualisation.
  • Next the “pivot” was introduced – starting the turn from stationary, sliding only sideways and from the uphill ski uphill edge. Pivoting requires strong use of the ski pole to support the centre of mass (because we have no forward speed)
  • The uphill edge was next used to start the dynamics “push off” – allowing a much narrower stance and preventing the ski from being pushed or stemmed outward – ensuring the centre of mass was pushed inward.
  • Angulation was introduced – with the outside hip being pulled backward to open and stretch the space between the rib cage and pelvis – allowing the postural reflexes to work. Only the pelvis “faces properly downhill” not the chest and shoulders. The aim here was to generate more pressure on the fronts of the boots and skis in a safe and secure manner – and to prevent body rotation. Feel for the front of the ski pulling you into and through the turn.
Inclination (from dynamics) plus angulation in the middle of a turn
Crispy experimenting

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