
The first video clip is Tony before we started to work on the technique. In summary the following issues are visible…

  • Centre of mass is not being moved into the turn
  • Skis are being pushed outwards
  • Outside foot is twisting inwards and going onto its outside edge
  • Leaning on the fronts of the ski boots
  • Upper body rotation

Basically, Tony was a product of classic ski instruction – based upon “statics”. The best way to begin to correct this was to go directly into dynamics.


The following link takes you to an explanation of dynamics and the exercises we actually used Dynamics

We worked mainly on the entry into the new turn with a solid push from the uphill leg – regardless of which edge the ski was on. (This would later relate to pivoting)

Tony’s alignment was checked before starting and was found to be very good. Due to Tony being on the outside edges of his feet during turns we went straight indoors – removed one boot and worked on the use of the feet. Flexing when on the heel – tensing the anterior tibialis (running up the outside of the shin) and strengthening the ankle – bending only at the knee and hip. When rocking the subtaler joint beneath the ankle the foot could be placed strongly on its inside edge. This was related to the adductor muscles (inside of the leg) and how to pull the leg inwards laterally even while extending on it.

Centre of mass, inside of the leg, foot on inside edge – all pulling inwards to help the ski provide centripetal force to drive the skier away from a straight line. (Ball on a string analogy!)

Dynamic range has to be increased – this takes time to develop. Ski poles are not used when the skis are running forwards and dynamics are strong. At most you can use a “pole touch” when entering a new turn. (Image below – showing full dynamic range – December/Tignes)

We also worked on driving the body inwards through the whole turn – particularly the second half when fighting gravity – to shape and develop the turn – building up forces.

Later in the day we worked on the turn exit – coming over the top of the outside ski to get back out of the turn. (Getting out of your own way) This was taken into short (pivoty) turns where there was no delay in bringing the body back out over the lower ski.


Pivot (Link to explanations and exercises)

Tony did well with the pivot – and we practiced sideslipping and then applied the pivot to bumps in a practical application. The linked page explains the progression thoroughly.

Our main aim was to work on awareness of the separate edges of the feet and skis and learn how to keep both feet on their inside edges inside the ski boots all the time. The use of the ski pole for support and the restrained control of dynamics – leading the centre of mass progressively into the turn is the real key here. Make sure the feet are moving sideways at the start of the pivot.

Skating and Angulation

Skating and angulation were touched upon – but we were unable to develop them for the moment. The down/up timing of skating was demonstrated and how this fits into dynamics (toppling down into a turn like a motorbike) was explained.

Angulation was explained with the pelvis being made to face downhill instead of the shoulders. Once again this was a brief introduction and the link here provides more information. The goal of this is to prevent upper body rotation and to maximise pressure on the fronts of the skis safely.

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