
Yasmin’s initial video shows the use of stemming (plough), “balancing” over the outside ski in the turn (body remaining completely upright) and pronounced hip and upper body rotation when turning on the left leg. Those are typical issues to emerge from learning to ski using a snowplough and not the fault of the skier.

The “after” video begins with a clip after dynamics has been learned initially and specific use of the feet and legs has been incorporated. The second clip includes control of the left hip. Clip number three is an early attempt at pivoting and the final clip involves completing the turn with dynamics – coming over the downhill ski to exit the turns.

Very little specific practice was managed as we covered a comprehensive “framework” for Yasmin to build on later.

Full explanations and details of the exercises used are found at the above link.
Yasmin responded well to the use of dynamics – moving the Centre of Mass (CoM). Skis respond to the motion of the Centre of Mass – not to pushing the skis away from the body.
The skier’s job is literally to “fall over” and the ski’s job is to lift the skier back up. The system relies on feedback driven disequilibrium.


  • On heels – subtalar joints can be felt rocking the feet onto their inside edges – both feet simultaneously
  • This is to be able to hold the wide skis on edge – so they don’t simply flatten
  • Adductor muscles are engaged – both legs simultaneously
  • Focus: Foot – adductors – Centre of Mass (outside leg in the new turn)
  • Commit very solidly to the uphill leg – pushing the CoM into the turn – pulling inwards laterally
  • Pressure on one leg – skating sensation is felt

Yasmin was shown how to control her hip rotation by pulling back the outside hip in the turn

A loading test was given to demonstrate lower abdominal reflex when pelvis is faced downhill but not the shoulders.

The basic biomechanics of skiing are simply based on skating. This includes the work with the feet/adductors and dynamics. We propel ourselves in skating by falling forwards – letting gravity do this work.

The pivot was introduced to assist the development of dynamics and teach how to correctly make rapid and efficient turns with good mechanics and awareness of the ski edges (and feet edges). Sideslipping was used to introduce this – keeping the skis together and the feet/adductors working.
The “pivot” link above has full explanations and demonstrations.


Yasmin needed to come forward (tilt) slightly when starting a pivot or using dynamics when turning to the right (left leg). This turned out to be mainly due to not releasing the right leg support – also largely helped when coming over the downhill ski to exit the turn with dynamics. This is why the rotation had previously developed on the left side. So three things help this:

  • Come forward at turn initiation to activate the front of the ski
  • Hip angulation (counter rotate the pelvis)
  • Use active dynamics to complete a turn coming out over the top of the downhill ski.

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