Video Clip 1 was the fastest recorded time. It looks smooth and flowing – the key to this was (at last) the uphill leg was being extended to create pressure earlier and actively. The fronts of the skis were being pressured. After this run there was just too much fatigue and the ability to stay on the fronts of the skis just evaporated – normal!
Video Clip 2 here the aim was to stay on the lower leg (ski front) to be lifted out of the turn more using the energy returned from the ski (rebound). This looks livelier but a bit uncontrolled – though we’d already lost the capacity to stay on the ski fronts. Slowing down the video speed to 1/4 speed and measuring contact with the first blue pole to the 12th pole for both techniques – this was faster by 0.75 seconds – translating to about 0.2 seconds in real time. It looked scrappier but the movement was new and unpractised and required even more commitment to the fronts of the skis.
To be continued…
Full compilation of today’s video…